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Breast Compressions

  Maybe you have heard of breast compressions but you are not sure exactly how to do them or if you should be doing them. I am hoping this post will help. First, what are some reasons to use breast compressons? If your baby is sleepy and tends to actively suck and swallow for just a short time and then falls asleep, then trying breast compressions may help your baby to actively nurse for longer. Breast compressions can also help with babies who are slow to gain weight, have colic, or tend to stay at the breast for long periods of time or nurse frequently. Breast compressions are also useful if you have sore nipples and even if you tend to have recurrent symptoms on the  mastitis spectrum . (1) Breast compressions in all these situations help keep baby actively sucking and swallowing at the breast longer and help empty the breast more. If your baby is doing well and breastfeeding is going smoothly, breast compressions are not necessary. (2)  How do you do a breast compression? When your

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