Breastfeeding Twins


(Public domain)

Yes, you can breastfeed twins! Most women are physiologically capable of breastfeeding two babies. They just need a little extra support and love!

Here are some tips from Dr. Sears to help make it easier:

  • Having lots of pillows, a nursing pillow that fits around your waist, and possibly a foot stool will help make nursing more comfortable.
  • After your babies get better at latching onto the breast, it will be easier to nurse them at the same time for several feedings per day. Also, nursing both at the same time with increase your prolactin levels. At times, you may want to wake one twin up when the other baby wants to nurse to make things easier.
  • Some double nursing positions to try: 1. Double cradle hold with each baby in the crook of each elbow. Have the babies on their sides, crisscrossed in your lap. Put pillows under your elbows. 2. Double clutch hold  with one baby in each side. Use pillows behind your back and try to bring your babies to you instead of leaning over. 3. Nurse one baby in the cradle hold and one baby in the clutch hold. 4.  Lay down on your back. Cradle each baby in each arm and and have the babies lie on top of you. This lactation website has a nice graphic of the clutch (football) and cradle hold positions.

The Association of Breastfeeding Mothers has a very helpful webpage and handout about breastfeeding twins.

I also highly recommend the book, Mothering Multiples

Written by Gina Peterson

Are you a nursing mom of twins? What tips have helped you successfully breastfeed your babies? Please comment below. I look forward to hearing from you!
